Monthly Archives: December 2009

New Year’s Eve

It’s officially New Year’s Eve and I highly doubt that I’ll get a chance later today to update this before the new year rings in, so I decided to do it now. I normally do a ‘year in review’ and a ‘year in the making’ kind of blogs to commemorate this time of the year but I’ve noticed that as the years go on, my posts get shorter and shorter and this year will be no exception.

This year was definitely a tough one in all aspects of my life. I’ll refrain from recounting them all as the list would be endless but the definite big ones were

  • deciding to remain at queens
  • getting a personal trainer for the summer
  • working the same job again (ugh)
  • going to california
  • renewing my love for blogging, food and photography
  • turning 20 and loving it
  • revealing my secret life and secret bf
  • moving off campus, twice
  • living with a pet (Dano, the cat)
  • having only 2 days of school
  • learning some German
  • dating and the mistakes that come with dating
  • meeting so many fabulous new people.

I normally also list all the people who helped me get through the year. Sadly that list gets shorter with each year for me as more and more of my friends grow up, grow apart and create a life of their own. For those who did help me get through this year, they know my love and appreciation. To those whom I don’t speak to often, I hope in the future we can manage to re-connect.

As for future goals/resolutions, I tend to go for the short list, less pressure tactic so to list a few

  • Land a  good summer job (preferably related to politics/gov’t)
  • Land a job during the next few months for the school year
  • Continue to update and run my blogs
  • Take beginner lyrical classes in the summer
  • Complete the 10 in 2010
  • Pay for all my books and utilities next school year

And just for good measure let’s add a classic

  • Lose 20 pounds before my 21st birthday :)

A lot has happened this year and I’ve definitely ended this decade with the most eventful year of my life thus far. It’s a shame that I ended the year off with a bit of a low but I have hopes the the new decade, my start to my twenties and of course a new year brings change in all the right ways. After all that’s what this blog is based upon, tabula rasa,  a clean slate…

Have fun ringing in the New Year/Decade my friends. See you in 2010! :)

Christmas Wishlist

I’ve decided to write up a Christmas wishlist, despite not being able to buy any of them and probably won’t recieve any. To be honest, I prefer not getting gifts. Now that I’m a student who’s paying a good chunk of things now, I really appreciate the value of a dollar and gifts suddenly seem unnecessary. I have all that I need (although there are many things that I want). I do believe however that when you send signals into the world about the things you want in life, material or not, the world finds a way to either send it to you or give you opportunities to get it. I think that’s the concept behind The Secret but I never did get around to finishing that book. Either way, it’s something that I’ve adapted into my own life and have certainly seen it work.

I also want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy holidays. Cherish those you surround yourself with, let them know how much you love and appreciate them. Reach out to those you normally wouldn’t, you never know what that simple hello might mean to someone. Take care all! :)

***I originally wrote this post in hopes of writing out my Christmas list. In the end, I’ve decided to actually post it as a separate link. Although regarded as a wishlist, it will also serve as a reminder of things to buy for my every day life. I believe in the effectiveness of lists as brought to my attention by my friend Meghan and I think by keeping track of all the things I want, I can set them up as small goals in achieving the capability to purchase them myself. (plus it’ll serve as a nice registry should any of you be kind enough to want to buy anything for me hehe). I’ll add and cross off as I go along. Feel free to check in from time to time to see the progress :)

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

Despite avoiding it as much as I can, it seems to me that everyone has a twitter account. I’ve been advised by a friend or two not to get it unless I really felt like committing to it.

I will admit that I used to have a serious Facebook addiction. Checking every couple of minutes, logging on and staying on forever. That’s dramatically reduced. Now I check a few times a day but only for messages and then get off. I don’t have Facebook chat on anymore, although I did use that for a while. In fact, I think I’d be able to survive without Facebook if it wasn’t for the fact that my university uses it as a means of communication through the numerous clubs, events and council groups found on Facebook. Now that I live off-campus, without things like that, I’m kind of at a loss on what’s happening on campus.

Twitter reminds me somewhat of Facebook status, essentially tweeting about the same things that you’d put on there which I don’t do very often. I think I’d have content to put up but I wouldn’t remember to put it on there. I don’t have a high-tech phone that links up to all the social networks and although I do have my laptop by my side 80% of the time, I often get sidetracked with other things than letting people know what I’m doing.

I’ll have to debate about this a little longer. If I opened one up, it would be focused more around my blogs than specifically my personal life, not because I don’t want to share, but simply because I just wouldn’t remember to put up what’s going on in my daily life.

I think once I upgrade my phone, which might be soon. I’ll be able to keep up-to-date more. What do you think? To tweet or not to tweet? pro & cons?